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As part of our Conservation/Preservation mission, the Calhoun County Community Foundation is working alongside the Calhoun County BOCC, and State Representatives in hopes of bringing a State Park to Calhoun County in the near future. Currently Calhoun County is one of the few counties in the State of Florida without a State Park we hope to change that soon!
Available properties have been identified and proposed to the FL DEP for review by the current BOCC. The Community Foundation is committed to raising awareness of the benefits, and importance of bringing a State Park to Calhoun County. Check out key notes below compiled from the FL Dept. of Environmental Protection and and sign our online petition of support!

Click below to view the 2022 Economic Impact Reports of 8 nearby State Parks comparable to the landscape of Calhoun County.
You can find the 2023 reports by clicking HERE
Economic Benefits

Health Benefits

Studies show when provided with safe, clean, environments people prefer being outdoors whether it be for recreation, exercise, or work.
Environmental Benefits

It has long been the goal of many Calhoun County citizens & leaders to grow and prosper economically while continuing to maintain the rural way of life. Often these two paths can pull in opposite directions when discussing industry and infrastructure. However, they're nearly guaranteed to go hand in hand when it comes to promoting and protecting the natural landscapes, outdoor recreation, and ecotourism that Calhoun County has to offer.
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