What does it mean to be a foundation volunteer?
You can register as a volunteer below and when there's a need throughout the year we will send out information via email and do an all call on social media for our volunteers to activate. Those who are willing and able can heed the call.
What types of things do volunteers do?
Volunteers may be called upon for a variety of events. Planting trees or ongoing maintenance for beautification projects, Little Library maintenance, Gathering supplies or distributing supplies during a crisis, Assisting with the CCCF booth at area events, Riding in parades, etc.
What's the difference in being a Foundation Volunteer and a Foundation Member?
As a foundation member you are invited to attend foundation meetings, take part in executive board elections and have a seat the table in discussing ongoing projects and decisions.
How old do you have to be in order to volunteer?
There are no age limits to register as a volunteer. While some volunteer events may require a specific age limit for safety purposes, we encourage people of all ages to get involved in their communities.
If you would like to register as a foundation volunteer simply complete the form below and someone will contact you when a need arises.